UCM's experience with utility data, rates and regulations helps clients in many ways.
No longer is your service provider the exclusive repository of utility knowledge.
Whether you need help understanding and managing energy charges, identifying and evaluating cost-reduction opportunities, resolving disputes with utility providers, or changing unfair utility regulations, UCM can help. See below to learn more about UCM’s major practice areas, or contact UCM to let us know how we can help solve your utility challenges.
UCM Service Portfolio
By scrutinizing detailed consumption data and constantly monitoring developments in the regulatory environment, UCM ensures that utility charges comply with the latest interpretations, rulings and amendments. If UCM identifies a billing discrepancy, it will take steps to correct the error and/or recover a refund. LEARN MORE
Utility regulators and providers have the difficult task of applying regulations in an even-handed way to millions of customers, each of whom uses utility services differently. Inevitably, some customers end up paying more than they should. UCM represents trade groups, industry associations, and customers in regulatory proceedings to rectify tariff inequities. LEARN MORE
Rate and Regulatory Consulting
UCM’s consulting services leverage the firm’s rate and regulatory expertise in a variety of ways, all designed to help clients get more from their utility-related investments. Since UCM has no financial ties to manufacturers, financiers, or contractors, we provide clear, objective, unbiased advice through every phase of your project. LEARN MORE