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Regulatory Intervention
UCM works with utility regulators to design rates that are more equitable.
Clients benefit when UCM changes the way utility companies interpret and apply their own rates.
Utility regulators and providers have the difficult task of applying regulations in an even-handed way to thousands, even millions, of customers, each of whom uses utility services differently. Not surprisingly, customer groups are sometimes treated unfairly and end up paying more than their share.
UCM represents trade groups, industry associations, and customers in regulatory proceedings to rectify existing tariff inequities, or to create new tariff provisions that address previously overlooked problems. UCM identifies the faulty tariff provisions, quantifies the impact of potential solutions, develops the arguments supporting our position, and presents the arguments through formal proceedings to regulators, utilities, and other interested parties. In formulating its positions, UCM relies on analysis of past regulatory decisions and policies, and offers solutions that are consistent with accepted ratemaking principles and sound public policy.
UCM’s Regulatory Intervention services have brought about important, far-reaching changes to utilities’ rates and regulations. Over the years, we have found that regulators will respond when they are made aware of situations where customers are being treated unfairly.